Individual thinking

美 [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl ˈθɪŋkɪŋ]英 [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl ˈθɪŋkɪŋ]
  • 网络个体思维
Individual thinkingIndividual thinking
  1. All that has been proved by the embryology of individual thinking , the history of science development and today 's cognitive science .


  2. While the Americans like individual thinking which insists that the independence of individual should follow the view from individual to entirety .


  3. Contemporary art reflects the artists ' individual thinking of contemporary society .


  4. Develop Individual Thinking and Train Creative Talents


  5. The individual thinking and the broad view over the world is the core value we are looking forwards .


  6. He considers the basic needs of individuals in the social development and encourages flexibility , creativity and practicality in individual thinking .


  7. Second , there are considerable obstacles in research logic between the microscopic behavior of individual thinking and the abstract and specific research model of the main subjects .


  8. Analysis of variance revealed that in idea generation session , the number of ideas generated by interactive brainstorming group is larger than individual thinking group significantly .


  9. Comparative Study on the Special Psychological Ability of Chinese Short track Speed Skaters An analysis of individual thinking flexibility of indoor short-track skating athletes of our country


  10. The article builds individual thinking model , resource model , development models of the science in unsaturation and saturation condition and so on from the angle of the resources .


  11. Since the community the advocating for individual thinking and logical thinking could arouse student 's interests in researching and discovering the truth rather than focusing on tests only .


  12. The substance of thinking quality is the difference expression of the individual thinking ability , and also is the character difference that puts up during the time when activity of thinking occurs and develops .


  13. Chinese are familiar with entirety thinking which insists that the unity and harmony of the relations between entirety thinking and individual thinking should follow the way from entirety to individual ;


  14. On the aspect of innovative thinking training , editor should pay attention to the combination of individual thinking and group thinking , the combination of divergent thinking and convergent thinking , the combination of abstract thinking and imagery thinking .


  15. This paper tries to expound the tragic life of the weak described by Kafka points out the root of the tragedies lies in the antagonism conflict of the moving logic between the external world the individual thinking logic .


  16. Rethinking on examination-oriented education is based on two levels such as students , teachers and leaders as individuals and students , teachers and leaders in the system . Exploration of students ' overall development is also necessarily at such two levels as individual thinking and system .


  17. Opening : Stimulate individual character thinking , break through the preserved , build and construct multifactor together ;


  18. Suicide ideation is an individual in thinking produced the idea you want to die , but no action is an important component of suicidal behavior .


  19. Then , the role moral language plays in the development of individual moral thinking can be summarized in this way : memorizing and storing moral information to form special psychological structure ;


  20. Study three examine if the exist of the interpersonal interaction and the type of interpersonal interaction ( text and voice interaction ) have effect on the output of individual creative thinking .


  21. Each era has its own cultural atmosphere , political environment and era spirits , and the naissance of the individual Taoist thinking tendency is such a presentation in Song Dynasty .


  22. The prerequisite of knowledge innovation is the innovation in education , the realization of which demands emphasis on the development of individual innovative thinking that is important in any phases of an individual 's education , especially in the phase of his / her college education .


  23. We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society .


  24. Through training of various figures in the aesthetic teaching , students are stimulated to look for the connection and difference between things and objects , thus to cultivate individual way of thinking .


  25. In a narrow sense , it also includes individual and one-sided thinking system which may still comply with the ruling class . Generally speaking , the latter always cannot authentically reflect the reality .


  26. Thirdly , in the face of all sorts of individual character different thinking level different students , the teacher questions should be targeted to help students ' individual character development and provide thinking ability , this call " beauty " .


  27. Individual characteristics of innovative thinking of university students majoring in sports


  28. The individual character difference of thinking in different groups is quite obvious ;


  29. But individual companies are certainly thinking along those lines .


  30. Student interaction in the group before the individual must have in-depth thinking , interaction , between individuals should be explored in depth .
